Our lives depend on wildlife. We tell the stories and ignite action to save them.

What is Impact Production?

Great films capture hearts and minds. But then what?

For us, Impact production is to transform a film’s core theme into social or environmental change.

We produce data-led impact strategies that aim to drive change in perception, behaviour and structure, whilst building community that lives in harmony with nature.

Incorporating impact production into your productions offer numerous benefits, including:

  1. Impact production bridges the gap between your programme, your audience, real-world change and creates a more engaging and lasting viewer experience.

  2. The natural history industry has one of the largest carbon footprints among all media genres. By integrating impact production, the process becomes more holistic, contributing to the majority the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and enhancing your production’s overall positive impact on the planet.

  3. The thorough data collection and evaluation processes not only identify and engage previously untapped audiences but also deliver clear, actionable insights that resonate with funders, commissioners, and partners. This clarity builds trust and reinforces the value of the production, making it easier to secure ongoing support and collaboration.

  4. Impact Production is a strategic marketing and distribution tool that can help to drive a films overall return on investment. It can also generate new revenue streams.

  5. It enhances your brand value by positively contributing to your Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria as well as your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

  6. Impact production creates opportunities for developing new skills and nurturing a diversity of talent within the film and television industry and builds important long-term partnerships and collaborations.

  7. An impact producer supports production teams, alleviating work load pressure;

  8. Finally, and most importantly, Impact Production generates lasting and returnable positive change through your project.




The best source of information on impact producing is available from our friends at Doc Society’s Impact Field Guide.

SIE Society’s mission is to educate, connect and empower professionals in entertainment, non-profit and business to harness storytelling in all media for greater social good and measurable impact.

Are you looking for an incredible impact producer in a specific country? Look at our Global Impact Producer’s Alliance directory.

Filmmakers for future: wildlife (FF:W) is an international grassroots group set up to encourage collaboration across the wildlife TV sector and help speed up the transition to a greener, more impactful and less extractive industry. Join the community and the important conversations.